Thursday, September 17, 2009

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

On this blog I will be posting my thoughts on different movies and TV shows. I will comment on the good parts of the movie or show and the bad parts or the areas of improvement. At the end of each post I will say what I think the rating of the movie or show is, with a maximum of 5. This post will be about the newly released DVD X-Men Origins.

Last Tuesday the newest X-Men movie was released on DVD, X-Men Origins: Wolverine. It was the prequel to the original movie X-Men. Hugh Jackman returned to the big screen to play Logan/Wolverine. I thought that it was overall a great movie but there were some things that could have been done better since this movie is supposed to be watched first of the four X-Men movies. During the opening credits it show Logan and his brother Victor fighting in multiple wars that span almost 300 years and their seem to stop aging at a certain point. Why would they just stop aging when they reached adulthood and not during childhood or adolescence? In this movie a much softer side of Wolverine is shown instead of the guy who walks around slicing people up with is claws who is shown in the other three movies. Logan's powers are never really explained in this movie, it is just expected that the audience already knows what they are even though the movie should ideally be watched first, it is much better explained in the original X-Men at the school by Jean Grey.
Even though there were things that could have been done better in the movie there were things that were amazing. The special effects were the most noticeable thing about the movie that was great. The fact that the movie was not only about Wolverine, even though it is the title of the movie, was really good too. The background of some of the other X-Men was shown too including Scott Summers/Cyclops, he is shown in high school and the dangers his powers put his friends in. Another X-Men character who is shown in this movie who appears in the other movies was Professor Charles Xavier. Since the next three movie in the storyline have already been made the foreshadowing in this movie would be really easy to do and it was done very well. The procedure when the indestructible adamantium is added to Logan's skeleton was really good too. Without going into specific details of the movie I would rate X-Men Origins:Wolverine as a 4 out of 5.

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