Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Heroes: Chapter 2

Last night Heroes was on, the title of the episode was Chapter 2: Ink. The majority of this episodewas centered around the consequences of the last scene of the previous episode, when Claire decided to use her power of invincibility do to a test to see if her roommate was murdered, suicidal, or if it was an accident by jumping out of her window onto the street below. When she jumped out of the window and landed on the sidewalk one of the other girls who lived on her floor saw what she had just done. The rest of the episode was about Peter was in New York using his powers as a paramedic. When a mysterious man with the power to control the things around him tries to convince Peter that Peter had hurt him while he was being saved confronted Peter about this he left a tattoo of a compass on Peters arm without him realizing. All of the Heroes are starting to have their lives disturbed because of their powers.

This episode was almost as good as the first episode. This episode was mostly about Claire, Peter, and Matt and Sylar. The majority of the episode was about Claire and her roommate finding out about her powers. The rest of the episode was about Peter and the other guy who is part of an underground group of people with abilities who live at a carnival and about Matt trying to do his job with Sylar in his head trying to break Matt down. I thought that the best part of the show was when Sylar learned to use Matts' power aginst him and make him see things that are not there including a dead girl, stuffed animal and a ransom note. Overall I thought that this episode would have been better is the other Heroes were in it like Tracy, Ando, Nathan, Hiro, and Angela. I would rate this episode a 3.5 out of 5.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Season Premiere: Smallville

The ninth season of Smallville premiered friday night at 8:00 PM. If you have never seen Smallville or do not know what it is about; it is about Clark Kent's life before he was Superman. The series started in his freshman year of high school in Smallville, Kansas and now nine years later they have all grown up and live in Metropolis.

I thought that the sesaon premiere was not as good as other seasons. I thought that much of the episode could have been done differently and that most of the characters lives should have been changed much more than portrayed after the events of the eighth season finale. At the end of the eighth season Lois Lane was at the Daily Planet and put on a ring that sent her to the thirty-first century; at the begining of this sesaon Lois returned but with no memory of what happened. This is totally insane, if I was sent one thousand years into the future I would definitely rememeber, there is no way anybody would forget that. Jimmy Olsen died at the end of the eighth season and this resulted in Clark Kent deciding that it was time for him to fulfil his destiny and become the hero that he was meant to be. At the beginging of the ninth season Clark leaves his Kryptonian training and goes back to Metropolis to see Lois and say goodbye; but all of the problems in Metropolis cause him to stay and put off his training to stop the problems that only he can solve. I thought that it would have been more beneficial for everyone, including Lois, if Clark had not decided to stay in Metropolis because if he finished his training than he would be better equiped to protect the world.

There were some good parts of the show to. One good part of the show was at the very begining when Clark saved a derailed train and used his heat vision to burn the Superman symbol into the next building and everyone gathering around to look at it as he observed from the top of a building. I think that it is great the Clark is finally trying to learn how to fly, because it is insane that every other Kryptonian on the show could fly within minutes of getting their powers but Clark has had his powers for almost 22 years and still can not fly. In my opinion the best part of the episode was when Chloe, Jimmy Olsen's wife, begged Clark to use his time travelling ring to go back in time and save Jimmy from being killed because she thought that it was their fault that he died, and it was. The best part of this scene was when Chlark refused and Chole told him that it was good that Clark was totally embracing his Kryptonian side and suppressing all of his humanity. Overall I would give the premiere of the ninth season of Smallville a 3.5 out of 5
This is the trailer for the new season.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Supernatural Season 5: The Road So Far

On September 10, 2009 the fifth season of Supernatural premired. The main characters of Supernatural are Sam and Dean Winchester, they hunt down monster, ghosts, sprits, demons and all other kinds of evil and kill it. At the end of the fourth season Sam used powers that he got from drinking demon blood to kill Lilith, the first demon ever. By killing Lilith, Sam broke the sixty-sixth seal of the appocalpse and sent Lucifer free from hell. Now all of the prophecies of the appocalpse are being fulfilled and Sam and Dean along with every other hunter in the world are at war with Lucifer and his army of demons. The only thing that stands in the way of the demons is of course Angels. The Angels revealed to Dean that he is the vessal from the archangel Michael and that by letting Michael into his body Dean will kill Lucifer and bring paradise to Earth. Dean of course says no and leaves the Angels behind after Castiel, an angel who actually likes Sam and Dean, carves symbols into the ribs to hide them from every angel in creation. At the end of the second episode of the fifth season Sam and Dean decided that Sam does not yet have his craving for demon blood under control and is in no shape to be hunting so they go their separate ways for now.

The third episode of this season was on Thursday night. In this episode Sam is working at a bar trying to fight the urge to go out and hunt down all the demons. Dean on the other hand is working with Castiel to hunt down an archangel to ask him where God is because they think that God can stop the appocalpse instead of letting Michael into Dead's body. The most important part of this episode was at the very end when Lucifer appears in one of Sam's dreams and tell him the the body he is currently posessing is just a pit stop and the the real vessal for Lucifer is Sam and that he will use Sam to end the world and bring hell onto Earth. This episode was not as eventful as other episodes of Supernatural and I would only give this episode a rating of 2 out of 5.

Season Premieres: House/Heroes

Monday night was the season premiere of the sixth season of House and the fourth season of Heroes. House was alright for the premiere, it was a two hour episode about House trying to get out of the psychiatric hospital that he was admitted to at the end of season five. I thought that the episode was kind of dumb. First House does not seem like the kind of guy that would admit himself into a psychiatric hospital, he would try to diagnose himself until he was right or until he died. Once House was in the hospital he was choosing not to take his medication because he thought that he did not need it. If he thought that he did not need medication than why would he admit himself into a hospital? Throughout the entire episode it was obvious that House did not want to be in the hospital, but since he checked himself in he should be able to leave whenever he wants to, but the hospital will not let him. So eventually House gives up on his idea that he does not need help and he starts to take the medication and he gets better. I thought that it was strange that the hospital would let him leave so suddenly because he has been better for a little while. In the end House got want he wanted and was allowed to leave and go home. I thought the the season premiere of the sixth season of House was overall not so good and would have a rating of 2 out of 5.

After House was the premiere of the fourth season of Heroes. Heroes is a good show, even though it is almost exactly the same as X-Men. This episode of Heroes was very good. Most of the Heroes from previous seasons have found ways to use their powers for the greater good such as being a paramedic, running a hero help line or being a detective; but some of them are using their powers to hurt people like by drowning them, or torturing people from within their own mind. Since almost all of the Heroes on the show use their powers to hurt or to help people there are some that do not use their powers at all. There were new problems for all of the Heroes as there always are and they are all trying to stay away from each other so that they are not put back into the fighting between the Heroes and the villains. There is really only one consistent villain in this show, Sylar. At the end of the last season Sylar was made to believe that he was a different person and was made to look like this other person. Now Sylar, who thinks he is Nathan Petrelli, is starting to get his powers back and starting to think that he is someone else. While Matt Parkman in Los Angeles is starting to see Sylar because Matt was the one who went into Sylar's head and made him think he was Nathan. Most of the Heroes are trying to live normal lives and trying to keep people from knowing about their past and their powers such as Claire, Noah, Mohinder and Matt. Some are trying to make people think that they are Heroes like Hiro and Ando in Japan who started to run a Hero helpline for people in need. Overall I think that the fourth season premiere of Heroes was great and would get a rating of 4 out of 5

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Bedtime Stories

About two weeks ago on the Movie Network the movie Bedtime Stories was on for the first time. It is a Disney film about how the bedtime stories that Adam Sandler tells his niece and nephew come true the next day. It is a good movie for families to watch, it is funny and has action and really good bedtime stories.

Skeeter played by Adam Sandler was asked by his sister to watch her kids for a week when she went to Arizona to apply for a new job. So every night Skeeter would tell his niece, Bobby, and his nephew, Patrick, a story, just like Skeeter's father did for him. The main character in all of these stories was Skeeter. Every time that Skeeter would tell a story the kids would make up the ending, like during the first story the kids said that the story ending with is raining gumballs. When Skeeter was driving home from work the next day gumballs started to fall from the sky and he realized that the kids control the story and what happen to him. So Skeeter tries to get the kids to end the story with the with something really good happening to Skeeter, because his life at the time was really bad. The kids imaginations worked differently the Skeeters though, when they would say something Skeeter would see it differently in his head than they did, so what he thought was going to happen to him would work a bit differently. An example being when Patrick said that Abe Lincoln was going to show up Skeeter thought that the actual guy was going to be there, but instead an American penny fell on his head.

I thought that the idea of the kids controlling the stories was a good idea because the are innocent and Skeeter was trying to make the stories make his life better. Another good part of the movie was the end when Skeeter was racing through the city on a motorcycle and the clip kept cutting to Skeeter's characters in the stories he told racing through their own worlds, i thought that was really cool. I though that the idea of Skeeter being overlooked his entire life was not very original because a lot Disney movies have a hero who is under appreciated, like William Turner in Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, Aladdin or Hercules. And of course the Disney movie ending with all of the heroes of the movie living happily ever after. I would give Bedtime Stories a rating of 3 out of 5.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

On this blog I will be posting my thoughts on different movies and TV shows. I will comment on the good parts of the movie or show and the bad parts or the areas of improvement. At the end of each post I will say what I think the rating of the movie or show is, with a maximum of 5. This post will be about the newly released DVD X-Men Origins.

Last Tuesday the newest X-Men movie was released on DVD, X-Men Origins: Wolverine. It was the prequel to the original movie X-Men. Hugh Jackman returned to the big screen to play Logan/Wolverine. I thought that it was overall a great movie but there were some things that could have been done better since this movie is supposed to be watched first of the four X-Men movies. During the opening credits it show Logan and his brother Victor fighting in multiple wars that span almost 300 years and their seem to stop aging at a certain point. Why would they just stop aging when they reached adulthood and not during childhood or adolescence? In this movie a much softer side of Wolverine is shown instead of the guy who walks around slicing people up with is claws who is shown in the other three movies. Logan's powers are never really explained in this movie, it is just expected that the audience already knows what they are even though the movie should ideally be watched first, it is much better explained in the original X-Men at the school by Jean Grey.
Even though there were things that could have been done better in the movie there were things that were amazing. The special effects were the most noticeable thing about the movie that was great. The fact that the movie was not only about Wolverine, even though it is the title of the movie, was really good too. The background of some of the other X-Men was shown too including Scott Summers/Cyclops, he is shown in high school and the dangers his powers put his friends in. Another X-Men character who is shown in this movie who appears in the other movies was Professor Charles Xavier. Since the next three movie in the storyline have already been made the foreshadowing in this movie would be really easy to do and it was done very well. The procedure when the indestructible adamantium is added to Logan's skeleton was really good too. Without going into specific details of the movie I would rate X-Men Origins:Wolverine as a 4 out of 5.