Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Comic Life Metacognition

  1. The thing that I liked the most about creating a graphic novel was that I was able create the story and use my own pictures anyway that I wanted. The thing that I liked the least about it was that I had to make up what was going on in each frame because I could not use every picture from the trip.
  2. If I could do the assignment over I would probably use a different story with different pictures because I found it difficult to make a story out of pictures from museums and of monuments from Washington.
  3. I did not like this type of assignment because I prefer to write things out than to make visual components for my assignments. I like writing better than comics, audio clips or videos.
  4. If I could give someone about to do this assignment pointers I would tell them to use pictures that tell the story on their own because I thought that it was harder to tell a story with pictures that I had to put the story on the pictures.

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