Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sin City Seminar Reflection

I thought that the seminar our group did on Sin City was very good. I think that we reached the expectations for the different parts of the assignment. One thing that we needed to work on was getting all the information necessary because we forgot to make a slide and talk about the Elements of style. I think that we needed to have more information on the book and not so much about the author and movie. Most of our group did not seem excited by the topic when they were talking, we all sounded uninterested. I think that I did well on the presentation when it came to knowing my information and researching the topic and finding relevant things to talk about. I think that one of the things I did wrong during my part of the presentation was that I did not talk long enough compared to the other people in my group. When I was presenting I thought that the class seemed uninterested by what I was saying, which is something that I should work on for future presentations because it is important to make seminars interesting so that the class learns about your topic. For future presentations I need to work on getting the class interested and getting more information to talk about.

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