Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sin City: Booze, Broads and Bullets - Comparison to Sin City

The graphic novel Sin City: Booze Broads and Bullets was one of the novels used to write the movie Sin City. Booze, Broads and Bullets only has one story of the eleven that was put into the movie, "The Customer is Always Right." Some of the stories that are represented in the movie are not exactly the same as the one in the books. Some of them are not the same because they did not relate well to the other stories, content or there too many of the main characters are in the story.

The colour style in the movie was the same style as in the novel. The majority of the movie and the majority of the book are in black and white, but there are some colours on a few of the characters. In the movie there were more colours than in our graphic novel. More of the blood in the movie was red than in the books. The stories that were in the movie were very similar to the ones that were in the novels. Some of the people who have reviewed the movie say that some of the scenes were too similar to the novels. Some of the scenes in the book had voice over to tell the readers what the characters were thinking without the characters actually talking. Those scenes in the movie did not transfer to the movie very well because some think that there were too many voice overs in the movie.

The stories are meant to be happening around the same time, but some of the characters were not in the scenes that they were in the books because they were somewhere else for the movie. Some of the scenes were altered for the movie because they were not important to the stories represented in the movie. Since only some of the stories were shown in the movie, those stories are meant to be the beginning of the story not the beginnings from the books. There were scenes that were added to the movie that were not in the books. The ending of the extended cut where Becky gets into the elevator at the hospital and the man from the first scene is in there with her. Another scene that was altered was the gunfight in the alley, in the book Becky was killed in the ally and did not make it to the hospital. There were five scenes that were in the novels that were not transferred to the movie.

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