Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Past Always Comes Back To Haunt You

Last night old enemies returned on Smallville. In the previous season Oliver Queen framed a man named Winslow Shot (Toyman) for the murder of Lex Luthor. Oliver killed Lex because of a fight that they have been in since high school. It was a good episode because it is always better when they bring characters back because most of the villains on TV shows would be upset that they went to jail but they usually never come up again. I liked this episode and I think that they need more episodes with characters from the past.

Toyman was released from prison and went straight to Metropolis to try to make Oliver come out of hiding. Oliver was in hiding because he was trying to run away from the fact that his actions directly led to Jimmy Olsen's death. Toyman started to blow up many of the Queen Industries plants but none of it was getting Oliver;s attention. Eventually Tess Mercer went to find Oliver and found him in a bar fight somewhere in Mexico. She convinced him that he needs to come back to Metropolis to speak to his shareholders. When Oliver stepped up on stage to address everyone he was informed from Toyman by an eyepiece that he was standing on a pressure plate attached to a bomb and if he did not do whatever Toymen said then everyone in the building would die. Clark found out about the bomb after Oliver started to give an unusual speech and he used his x-ray vision on the stage and saw the bomb. Clark informed Chloe of the bomb and she used the security system in the Ace of Clubs to evacuate the building. After everyone had left Clark saw that Toyman was there and he went over to talk to him. Clark realized that if Oliver stepped off of the pressure plate than Toyman would be killed as well and than Toyman would still lose so the man that he was holding could not have been Toyman, it was a robot. Once everyone had left Oliver stepped off of the plate to try to kill himself so that he would not have to deal with himself anymore. Clark went over to Oliver after the party and told him that he was sorry for not being their for him when he really needed it.

This episode was really good. The only thing that was not so good about this episode was that there was too much going on. The main story with Toyman, Clark got a new temporary new power to read peoples minds, and Lois was trying to get Clark to go on a date with her. I thought that all of the story lines in this episode could have been their own episode and that it was too much all at once. I thought that it was cool that Clark was able to read peoples mind but thought that since it was rushed the progression of the power was too quick, in other episodes when he get a new power it takes a while for it to be under control but in this episode he was able to read peoples mind right away. I thought that it was really stupid that Tess went to Toyman after he was arrested and gave him the kryptonite heart from Metallo. This episode overall was really good and i think that it would get a rating of 3 out of 5.

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