Sunday, October 25, 2009

Review: Twilight

Last night Twilight premiered on the Movie Network. Everyone said that it was a good movie and it seemed to be the biggest thing ever when it came out. Since everyone went on and on about this movie I decided to watch it. It was really bad. I did not see what all the hype was about. The general story made sense, but that was the only good part about the movie. The effects sucked, the actors could not act, and everyone in the movie looked like they were dying. This movie was not even close to what I heard about it and I would rate it 1.5 out of 5.

So the general story was that this girl,Bella, moves from Arizona to Washington to live with her father and she meets a boy who ends up being a vampire. You would expect that most people would not decided to start dating the vampire, but this girl decided did anyways. The vampire was named Edward and seemed like the creepiest person ever, when Bella came to her biology class she was told to sit next to Edward. Over the coarse of the hour and a half class Edward was turned around in his seat staring at her. For the first 30 minutes of the movie Edward is basically stalking Bella. I did not make the connection from how Bella and Edward went from hating each other to being hopelessly in love. Twenty minutes into the movie they did not like each other and were mean to one another, but thirty-five minutes in they were hopelessly in love and could not live without each other.

Almost everyone in the movie was ridiculously pale. Whoever did the make-up for this movie needs to go meet real people and see what they look like. Nobody is that pale. The only characters who would be were the vampires because they are dead. Bella moved from Arizona, its really sunny there why would she look like she was dead. Everyone is this town looked like they were dying. Another strange thing about the vampires was the reflected sunlight, since when do vampires reflect sunlight. All of the vampires in the movie would get all shiny when they went into direct sunlight. The way that Bella figured out that Edward and his family were vampires made everyone else in the town look really stupid. The vampires had lived in the town for years and no one figured it out, but Bella comes in and in a few weeks she Googles vampires and get all this information and outs it together like its nothing. Edward did not seem to be trying very hard to conceal that he was a vampire.

This movie had the worst special effects ever. Twilight had a huge budget and it looked like the spent none of it. How can television shows like Supernatural or Smallville have better special effects than a million dollar movie like Twilight. All of the vampires had super strength and super speed, but it looked like they were doing everything in normal speed. The super strength looked ridiculous the things they were lifting looked fake, they did not even try to make it look real. The super speed was the dumbest thing I've ever seen in a movie, it looked like they filmed things at normal speed and then used fast forward for the movie. And the final fight scene was just the worst scene ever filmed. Who ever did the effects needs to go back to film school.

The acting in Twilight was not very good either. Everyone was either really angry, really happy, or really depressed and there was no in between. The actors need to learn to show more emotion and to tone down the emotions that they were showing in the movie. The way that Bella and Edward interacted looked like Edward was about to kill her. Overall I thought that Twilight did not live up to the hype. The make-up was horrible, the special effects should result in someone being fired and the story was missing pieces. And all of the posters for the movie make it look like he is trying to date a little kid, and make him look like a stalker. This is just my opinion but I would not recommend this movie to anyone. 1.5 out of 5.

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