Sunday, October 11, 2009

Zombies in Metropolis

Friday night Smallville had their worst episode ever, the title of the episode was "Rabid". It was named "Rabid" because the people in Metropolis were starting to become zombies. This was the first episode where Oliver Queen was a main character in the episode this season. Only two of the main characters became zombies, Tess and Lois. Clark was immune to the zombie transformation. People were becoming zombies because of a Kryptonian virus that was released by one of Zod's men.

The episode started with Clark finding Oliver being chased by the police because he was speeding. Clark told Oliver that both of them had to take responsibility for what happened to Jimmy and start to move on. When Clark got to the Daily Planet he heard from Lois that Tess had be admitted to Metropolis General Hospital with some strange virus. Tess got sick from men who attacked her at the Luthor Mansion after being infected by the Kryptonian virus. When Lois and Clark got to the hospital it was too late for them to save Tess because she had already become a zombie. After Tess attacked Lois and Clark Lois returned to the Daily Planet to write her story about the disease. While she was there dozens of reporters who had already been infected attacked Lois and infected her. At Watchtower Chloe was tracking the progression of the virus with Dr. Hamilton and they discovered that the virus was airborne and that transformation occurred when the victim fell asleep. Clark arrived at the Daily Planet of help Lois and they kept each other awake when they were hiding in Tess's office. Oliver came to the Daily Planet to break them out, but instead stayed with Lois in the elevator until Clark came back with help. Clark went to Chloe at Watchtower and they took his blood because it contain a Kryptonian enzyme that cured people of the virus. Lois fell asleep and escaped from the elevator as a zombie. Clark went to the Daily Planet and was attacked by Lois, but Clark would not fight back because he did not want to hurt her. Chloe and Dr. Hamilton flew over Metropolis and released the cure into the clouds so that it would rain the cure onto Metropolis. With everyone cured everyone infected forgot what had happened. Clark went to talk to Oliver about how he failed at his only job to protect Lois from falling asleep. Oliver told Clark that he was right and he has discovered what the destiny of the Green Arrow, Oliver's secret hero identity, is. Once Clark had left Oliver got all of his Green Arrow gear and burned all of it. The Kryptonian who released the virus did it because he knew that their was a Kryptonian in Metropolis with all of his powers and he was trying to reveal him because he knew that he would be immune.

I thought that this was the worst episode of Smallville ever. The stupidest thing in this episode was that people were becoming zombies because it reminded by of the movie "The Invasion" and was too much like a zombie apocalypse scenario. Oliver came into Tess's office to talk to her when he found Lois and Clark, but no one seemed to comment on the fact that her was carrying a load shotgun. Clark revealed his powers to Dr. Hamilton in this episode after knowing him from almost a year. I think that Clark is getting to open about his powers it took him almost 7 years to tell Chloe his powers, but he told Dr. Hamilton after a few months. I thought that Oliver was be a coward when he was burning his Green Arrow gear because it showed that he was giving up because he could not face his problems and it was easier to run away. I did not like this episode because almost every part was really stupid. I would give this episode a rating of 1 out of 5

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